Shades of Knowledge




Our Why

Shades of Knowledge began with a simple question: how can I make a difference? This question came to the forefront of our minds when we, Keira Boxell, Jully Myrthil, and Makayla Boxell, went on a journey to South Africa as part of an organization called A Leadership Journey, During this summer 2023 trip, we all gained the invaluable opportunity to experience cultures and lived experiences that were different from our own. On one particular visit to an afterschool program for children in grades K-10, we were struck by the sheer lack of books in their library. The children at this program had a clear love and desire for learning, but the lack of access to literature was a stark reminder of the educational disadvantage that they lived in. Upon returning home to Rhode Island, we decided to use our privilege and access to resources in such a way that we could make a difference, even a small one, in the lives of a few children in South Africa. We became focused on brainstorming ways to collect and donate books to send to the various organizations we visited, and quickly realized 3 things: first, that this was going to be much more difficult than we initially anticipated, secondly, that we really enjoyed doing this work, and lastly, that we could make this into something much bigger than one book donation. And thus, Shades of Knowledge was born. We want to be able to make a lasting impact on the lives of children, and we know that through this organization, we can make that desire a reality.

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“71% of fourth-grade students failed to meet expectations on the RICAS English language and literacy test during the 2021-22 school year"(Noble).
"One in six children who are not reading proficiently in third grade do not graduate from high school on time, a rate four times greater than that for proficient readers" (Hernandez).
BIPOC children, on average, have lower literacy rates than their White counterparts due to lack of access to resources.
